Q: Why did you choose the MSBA Program?
I chose the MSBA program for a few different reasons. I
liked that the program was one year and in Washington DC. I really liked
how there was a focus on using business for good, and making a difference in
the world through good business practices. That was really important for me.
Q: What company will you be working for, and what will your
title be?
I have accepted a new position at CUA in the Office of
Online Education, as Student Success Coordinator.
Q: How did you get interested in this type of work?
I first became interested in online education through my
internship at 2U, an online education technology company; although I’ve always
loved helping students and working in customer service. This position is a
combination of all of those interests.
Q: How did the CUA MSBA program help prepare you for this
career path?
I learned a lot of technical skills I
didn’t know before like how to present hard data and think analytically about
business problems. Those skills are going to be really helpful in a new
position at a growing office. They will also be helpful skills to bring to any
job I have throughout my career because they are so transferable.
Q: What from the program stands out specifically that you
think helped prepare you for a career in this field?
Both the hands-on experience we got in our field team
studies and case study analyses we did in class really shaped our curriculum and put us in the shoes of what it’s like to work with developing businesses.
As the Office of Online Education grows at Catholic, I know I can bring my
experience in dealing with real business problems to help develop the office
even more.
Q: Can you recall a favorite memory from the program?
Any time our class got to hang out together was always
really fun, especially if the professors were there outside of a classroom
setting. The program itself is a lot of hard work, so it was nice to bond
outside of the classroom and connect with each other on things other than
school. We spend so much time with each other that our cohort has become like a
family. That's probably my favorite experience from the whole program.