Awesome blog post and by current MSBA student
Rachel Coffman and a great response by many of her classmates (make sure to check out her blog
here). Time management is always of utmost importance, but is not always easy. It's so nice to see our cohort acting as positive influences and supporting each other. Keep up the good work, everyone!
Coffman MSBA 2014: Accounting.....: Start of a new week in the lovely MSBA program! Can we always have Monday's off? Just kidding, how could we have Quant and Leadership that way?! Sunday night was rough I think for most of us regarding the Quant homework...but I'm proud of us for making it through! I love how quickly our group chat turned into constant messages with each other. It doesn't always have to be about homework (Sunday it mostly was...) but regarding how we all communicate with each other I think we are doing really well. At least for myself I did not expect us to dive head first into this program so quickly, but I'm really glad we did. I'm already starting to learn so many new things, and lately every time a friend or family member of mine asks me about this program I always tell them the same thing. I say it is so refreshing to have all of the classes you are taking be something that you are interested in and actually want to learn. Personally, my undergrad was filled with filler courses and endless boring PowerPoint slides made up of material I knew I did not want to carry out in my career. I know in college you do have to go through those classes, however, the MSBA program is not like that. It is great to know that these classes all consist of specific goals with learning materials aiming for us to thrive in whichever aspect of business we decide to pursue. In this program we are all so motivated and you can tell we all want to succeed. I think that just pushes us that much further. Now with this accounting quiz tomorrow...I should go study...
luck on that quiz Rachel! Just remember that you can all master this
stuff, especially quant and accounting. Simple but not easy. And the
satisfaction you'll derive from conquering these courses will be
immense. I've see it happen in four successful MSBA classes now.