Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Welcome our Newest MSBA Member

Ms. Klaire  Marcela Crenshaw
celebrates Halloween
Congratultions to Nicole and Michael Crenshaw on the recent birth of  Klaire Marcela Crehshaw.  Nicole was in our inaugral MSBA class in 2010 and is preparing to enter Dental School. She was a 2009 graduate of The University of North Dakota with degrees in Chemistry and Biology.   Michael received his Law degree from Georgetown and is due to begin JAG training with the Air Force in January in Phoenix, AZ. 

MSBA teammate Ann Moran is  little Klaire's godmother and will be traveling to North Dakota this weekend for the baptism.  (Hint:  Take a coat Ann!)

Mom and baby are doing great and father has not yet returned to earth.

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