Monday, March 19, 2018

MSBA Class of 2018 Job Placement: Christine Awad

If you are a current senior or recent college graduate wondering if the MSBA program is right for you or how it can help enhance your undergraduate degree, keep reading! 

Christine Awad, MSBA '18, has accepted a job at Cummins, Inc. as a Corporate IQA Engineering Auditor. Below, Christine sheds light on how the program helped prepare her for her career path:

Q: Why did you choose the MSBA Program?

I chose the MSBA Program because I thought it would be a valuable investment for my future,
and I wanted to focus on becoming a well-rounded professional. I currently possess technical
skills that are highly valued across multiple industries, but it is important I also understand more
qualitative business aspects the program provides to succeed in the business world. Most
importantly, I knew the program would teach me how to unite my Catholic faith and ethical
business practices.

Q: What company will you be working for, and what will your title be?

I will be working for Cummins, Inc. and stationed in Columbus, Indiana as a Corporate IQA
(Installation Quality Assurance) Engineering Auditor.

Q: How did you get interested in this type of work?

As a young girl, I developed a passion for the field of engineering through various STEM
organizations, job shadowing experiences, and inspiring mentors. Before beginning my freshman
year at Purdue as an engineering student, I had the opportunity to complete my first summer
internship with Cummins. Five years later, I have completed six internships, in different job
roles, with Cummins. All my internships have exposed me to innovate products and processes,
diverse perspectives, development opportunities, and encouraging teammates. Additionally, I
have not felt like an “intern”; I have felt like a full-time employee who is helping to make a
positive impact on the world. For all these reasons, I am excited to return to Cummins and utilize
the knowledge obtained from my internship and academic experiences.

Q: How did the CUA MSBA Program help prepare you for this career path?

The MSBA Program has taught me several practical business skills that can be used in any
company. Some of my greatest takeaways from the program, which will help me at Cummins,
include learning how to analyze complex problems as well as communicate results effectively
and concisely. Specifically, I have learned how to take complicated problems and break them
down into manageable working parts. I have realized the importance of “big data” and can now
use various processes and analytical programs to examine and decipher such datasets. Lastly,
using the Extreme Presentation method, I can “tell a story” to an audience. Using results and
insights from datasets, I can help individuals make critical decisions.

Q: What from the program stands out specifically that you think helped prepare you for a
career in this field?

All the professors in the MSBA Program have most certainly helped prepare me for my new
career. The program requires my classmates and I to take a diverse course load in a condensed
amount of time. Each professor brings industry experience, a specialized skillset, and the motive
to help each student reach his/her full potential to the classroom. I takeaway significant methods
and examples from every lecture I attend. I have managed to build a relationship with each
professor and feel comfortable approaching them with questions even after I graduate in May.

Q: Can you recall a favorite memory from the program?

My favorite memory is working with Catholic Charities and Adam’s Place Shelter to provide a
Thanksgiving Feast for many men in Washington, D.C. A few days before Thanksgiving, my
classmates and I brought joy to several individuals by serving food, providing entertainment, and
having conversations with those around us. By the end of the feast, I knew I just participated in a
very rewarding experience; I served others, worked as a team with my classmates, saw many
joyful faces, and heard many interesting stories from those I served that will be ingrained in my head for a lifetime.

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