Thursday, June 13, 2013

Five Lessons (Re-)Learned in a Day at TED – Part 5

Lessons from TED – Number 5

Lesson Number 5: But remember… You are AWESOME!!!

Mr. Havard's book.
Part of the MSBA
If you think this lesson is contradictory to Number 4, then I highly suggest picking up Created for Greatness by Alexandre Havard.  It is one of the first books that we read in the MSBA program and forms the basis for many of our discussions on leadership throughout the program.  In the book, Mr. Havard explores the idea that the virtues of magnanimity and humility are essential for success in any endeavor.  As Mr. Havard makes clear, you have to have the humility to put your pride aside and to recognize your human limits.  At the same time, when you stop and think about human limitations… There is very little that we cannot accomplish.  As humans, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”

Put differently (in the words of one celebrated TED speaker), “The miracle of your mind is that you can see the world as it isn't.  You can
imagine the future… Remember the past…”  Think of all that has been
If we can put a man on the moon...
achieved in human existence:  From the building of ancient wonders to modern day parenting…  From daily farming in the Middle Ages to landing on the moon…  From Eden to infinity and beyond…  You get to share in the human experience in a way that no one else has or will or can…. You – and you alone – bring to humanity a completely different perspective.

You have an awesome story to share, so live your life like it’s a TED Talk.  Take the stage, cue the presentation, and go for it!  If you need a starting point, just remember:  You see the world as no one else does.  What could be more awesome than that?

Neil Watson
MSBA Class of 2013

Thank you Neil for this inspiring 5 part series based on your experiences at the most recent TED conference.  Neil has accepted a job at Taylormade golf company in southern California and will be teaching part time at his Alma mater JP Catholic.  Also, Neil and his wife Anna will continue to work at the annual TED conferences.  It was a pleasure having you in the class of 2013 Neil.

Stewart McHie
Director, Master of Science in Business Analysis

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