By Tom Malone
MSBA Class of 2013
have been a number of articles concerning the internet and it’s effect on
countless aspects of human life; from changing commerce, communication, and
even how we maintain relationships amongst friends. The internet has become an integral part of
human life on the whole. Like an organic being, it has grown from simple
beginnings and processes to a creation of man that has a vastly complex nature
and intricate rules, neither of which we can fully explain. Nor can we predict
its evolution, as it grows and grows due to the dedicated and sometimes
unwitting care and development every user gives it.
Program Director McHie and class |
the many branches that have grown from a simple mustard seed of binary code has
been that of social media. Social media had its roots in the communication
medium of email, which grew into instant chat and file sharing, and finally
taking a further step into such systems as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so
many other programs which connect human beings on so many levels.
As a student of the CUA
MSBA program, I found myself re-evaluating the internet, and specifically social
media, under the light of an analysis informed by business practice and ethics.
If the end of business and business men and women is to help the growth of the
economy and help bring society to a higher standard of living and producing, a
principle which I have learned and cherished at this program, then how can the
internet play a part? This nebulous, ever growing creation of mankind does not
share the same rules as commerce or economics. In economics, in order to
produce a product that people need or desire, we learn that a considerable
amount of time, effort, and resources are needed and expended to create it, and
in most cases these ingredients are never renewed.
here is where the internet becomes something incredible to us as producers and
creators: there is no true consumption of resources when something is put onto
the internet. Granted, one could argue that time is required on the part of the
individual creating, or that monetary compensation might be required on the
part of those who create digital sites and information. In reality, however,
the scale of difference negates any such argument. To build a chair, I use wood
and tools that cannot be used by anyone else. To write this article, all I
require as an author and creator of digital information is an access point and
the impetus to write. This in turn leads to another amazing aspect of the
nature of the internet and this digital age: there is no impediment to my
creativity and production. As a chair builder, I may not be able to access a supply
of wood, but as a writer (in this case), nothing stops me from sharing my ideas
and helping others who may benefit from them or receive enjoyment from them.
The social media landscape |
these two amazing aspects of the internet, how can we, students of business and
future helpers of mankind through the medium of commerce, turn social media to
man’s true economic well-being?
media, as of now, seems to serve only one possible tool to the consumer and the
producer: information. Through social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook,
producers and marketers are able to track the lifestyles and interests of
countless people. With that information, they create and market a product that
will be of use or enjoyment to the people they aim to serve.
To me, however, these
social media sites do not appear to have fulfilled their economic purpose or
potential. Information and connectivity are only the first stepping stones
these sites have for man and economy. However, two principles of commerce and
economics seem to me to be the key for unlocking further potential for social
media sites: integration and gain.
when done effectively, has always increased the productivity and quality in any
tool or product of man. By viewing social media under an analytical lens, we
can find an idea, or even another process of the internet, which can be grafted
together in synthetic and symbiotic way. Imagine if, on one site, on one screen
you were able find information, view friends statuses and messages, and
purchase items that directly correlate to you, and not a market segment?
Another thought: is it any coincidence that Google owns YouTube, has its own
email site, search engine, and is beginning to provide free, quality internet
to cities through their Google Fiber program?
These close connections within one system are clear examples of the direction
towards integration.
second aspect, gain, is, quite arguably, one of the axioms (if not the axiom)
of economics, and the more difficult of the two previously mentioned concepts
to employ in social media. To illustrate the point further, take the case of
Facebook. Through Facebook, a user has access to friends, family, and
innumerable groups, all of which provide him or her with information at a
moment’s notice. Even though information is gained, to follow economics
strictly, there is no gain; the user
receives no material or financial advantage, and neither do the owners or
shareholders of Facebook. They receive hope that their users will respond to
tailored ads on their pages, but there is no real income gained, as opposed to,
say, Coca-Cola, when they gain another regular customer who purchases their
products. Thus, Facebook and other social media sites do not aid the economy in
a very real way, even though many view them as services. It is to this end that
I believe we, as students or participants in digital business or digital media,
must focus our efforts. We must find a way to truly implement gain in social
media, and turn social media into a true source of vitality for the economy and
Tom Malone
MSBA Class of 2013
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