Kayleigh Johnson, MSBA '18, has accepted a job as a a Data Consultant at NimbleUser. Below, Kayleigh shares her experiences in the program, and how it helped her to find her career:
Q: Why did you choose the MSBA Program?
I chose the MSBA Program because I wasn't happy in my sales position. I knew I wanted to do something more, but wasn't sure how to get there. I started searching for graduate programs and came across the MSBA one and thought it would be a perfect fit.
Q: What company will you be working for, and what will your title be?
I will be working for NimbleUser as a Data Consultant.
Q: How did you get interested in this type of work?
I've always loved math and really enjoyed our Quantitative Analysis class in the fall semester. That experience solidified my desire to get into the data field.
Q: How did the Catholic U MSBA program help prepare you for this career path?
The MSBA Program connected me with an alum who worked at NimbleUser. After I reached out to him, we scheduled an interview for a Data Consultant internship for the spring semester. Without the MSBA Program, I would not have had the confidence to reach out to someone that I didn't know or be able to answer the interview questions confidently.
Q: What from the program stands out specifically that you think helped prepare you for a career in this field?
Quantitative Analysis was one of my favorite classes, and very helpful. I've also used tools that I learned in Managing the Enterprise and Business Communications.
Q: Can you recall a favorite memory from the program?
One of my favorite memories from the program was going to Top Golf in the fall after we did a company visit. Even though I'm a terrible golfer, it was a great bonding experience for our cohort!