Nicholas Johnson, MSBA '18, has accepted a job as a Junior Pricing Analyst for Unisys. Below, Nick shares his experiences in the program, and how it helped him find his career:
Q: Why did you choose the MSBA Program?
I was able to meet some of the professors and students before I applied and had a very positive experience. It seemed like a great way to get into business.
Q: What company will you be working for, and what will your title be?
I will be a Junior Pricing Analyst for Unisys.
Q: How did you get interested in this type of work?
During the program, I was really drawn to using my Quantitative skills, which I get to use in this role. Further, I get to be exposed to a wide range of projects, as I will be working on different proposals.
Q: How did the Catholic U MSBA program help prepare you for this career path?
The MSBA program taught me how to be a well-rounded business person. I feel comfortable working on a wide range of problems, both those I am familiar with and those which require me to expand my skill set.
Q: What from the program stands out specifically that you think helped prepare you for a career in this field?
In particular, Prof. Seegers' and Prof. Shatzen's classes prepared me well for this opportunity, as well as working on the field team study. During the interviewing process, I was able to give concrete examples of when I had successfully solved real business problems.
Q: Can you recall a favorite memory from the program?
My favorite memory was the New York trip. It was a lot of fun exploring such an interesting city with a great group of people.